Effective for dates of service on or after November 6, 2022, AIM Specialty Health® (AIM) has revised their Advanced Imaging Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines for Diagnostic Coronary Angiography for Independence Blue Cross (Independence) and Independence Administrators Commercial and Medicare Advantage members. For full details, view the specific guidelines.
For more information on AIM's revised Advanced Imaging Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines for Diagnostic Coronary Angiography, please refer to the following Independence policies on our Medical and Claim Payment Policy Portal, which will be published on December 5, 2022:
- Commercial: #11.02.27f: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Coronary Angiography and Arterial Ultrasound
- Medicare Advantage: #MA11.113f: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Coronary Angiography and Arterial Ultrasound