Independence needs you, our network providers, to spread the word about alternative vaccine sites with your patients.
In some jurisdictions, vaccine providers like drugstore chains, health departments, VA hospitals and clinics, and nonprofit organizations will enroll directly with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. CDC will notify the state and local jurisdictions of these allotments. These non-traditional providers are relying on providers and insurance companies to share information about access and availability.
Providers can locate available non-traditional providers through the COVID-19 PA
webpage. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a webpage dedicated to
federally supported vaccine centers.
Independence is committed to providing our members with access to the care they need during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We encourage all Independence members and providers to visit our dedicated COVID-19 webpage regularly for the latest news and updates.
We will continue to evaluate member needs as the situation changes.
Learn more
Read the full series to learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and administration requirements.