Providers can now access several shared decision-making tools adopted by Independence. These tools are considered the accepted standard of care in the medical profession. Use and adherence to these tools and techniques may lead to improved patient outcomes. Tools include:
- electronic, interactive, and paper-based decision aids
- risk calculators
- storyboards
- videos in multiple languages
- additional decision aids in literature resources
Shared decision-making aids
Shared Decision Making National Resource Center, on the website, promotes and provides shared decision making through evidenced-based patient decision aids and techniques. Tools are available for these medical and behavioral health conditions:
- Cardiovascular Primary Prevention Choice
- Depression Medication Choice
- Diabetes Medication Choice
- Head CT Choice Decision Aid
- Osteoporosis Decision Aid
- PCI Choice
- Smoking Cessation Around the Time of Surgery
- Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Choice
- Statin Choice Electronic Decision Aid
Shared decision-making aids are adopted from national sources and are presented to the Clinical Quality Committee for recommendations regarding implementation and monitoring strategies. Providers can also link to the shared decision-making aids on our
Internet Resources webpage.
Working with your patients
Providers and patients have different expertise and experiences when it comes to making consequential clinical decisions. Providers know about the disease, tests, and treatments while patients know about their bodies, circumstances, and goals for life and health care. Shared decision-making involves developing a partnership based on empathy, exchanging information about available options, deliberating potential consequences, and deciding by consensus. The process of shared decision making demands the best of systems of care, providers, and patients.1
1Scalia P, Durand M-A, Kremer J, etal. “Online, interactive option grid patient decision aids and their effect on user preferences." Medical Decision Making, 2017; 38(1) 56-58.