IBC Medicare Advantage members can get fit theirway with SilverSneakers. Healthways SilverSneakers®Fitness, the nation?s leading fitness program for activeolder adults, offers a variety of ways to help your IBCMedicare Advantage patients be healthier and live life tothe fullest.
SilverSneakers offers the following:
- a fitness membership with access to more than 11,000locations nationwide (including women-only locations)where participants can use equipment, take groupexercise classes, and enjoy fun social activities;
- SilverSneakers FLEX. for options outside thetraditional fitness location, including tai chi, yoga, andwalking groups offered by certified instructors at localparks and recreation centers;
- SilverSneakers Steps®, which offers a choice of fourkits — general fitness, strength, walking, and yoga — for use at home or when traveling;
- online resources for finding fitness locations, orderingreplacement SilverSneakers ID cards, and signing upfor FLEX classes.
Getting started
When IBC Medicare Advantage members joinSilverSneakers, they join a community of nearly twomillion active older adults who can give them the supportand encouragement they need.
All eligible Keystone 65 Select HMO, Keystone 65Preferred HMO, and Personal Choice 65SM PPOmembers will receive a letter in the mail with theirSilverSneakers ID card and a personalized URL toaccess the robust SilverSneakers website. Memberscan then create exercise and nutrition plans, watch classvideos, get expert advice on fitness and nutrition, tracktheir progress toward goals, and find healthy recipes andinformative articles on relevant health topics.
Encourage your IBC Medicare Advantage patients tovisit
www.silversneakers.com or call
1-888-423-4632(TTY: 711), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.,ET., to get started with SilverSneakers.
Introducing the newHealthways SilverSneakers®Fitness program logo
Healthways recently updated their logoto more accurately represent today?sSilverSneakers program.
The logo?s stylized ?sneaker? invokesmovement and activity, in keeping with theprogram?s goal to help patients get fit andbe healthy. Its clean, modern typeface showsthe SilverSneakers commitment to continueto appeal to active older adults of all ages.
Keep an eye out for the new logo on variousmaterials from Keystone 65 HMO andPersonal Choice 65 PPO.
Note: SilverSneakers is a benefit offered to Keystone 65Select HMO, Keystone 65 Preferred HMO, and PersonalChoice 65 PPO members at no additional cost.
SilverSneakers® is a registered mark of Healthways, Inc., an independentcompany.