IBC will present a new webinar on September 14, 2011, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.,
about its Quality Incentive Payment System (QIPS) program with a special focus
on the Professional & Outpatient Cost Management report. The webinar will
include a detailed review of how to interpret the data provided as well as
consider suggestions for improvement. The QIPS program offers incentives for
highquality, accessible, and cost-effective care. The Professional & Outpatient
Cost Management measure rewards those practices that are active in the care and
coordination of their patients, our members.
To register for the webinar, please send an email to Dayna.Bersh@ibx.com that includes the following
practice name
individual physician name
email address of each person attending
Registration emails will be accepted through Friday, September 2, 2011.
If you have any questions, please call Dayna Bersh at 215-241-2079.