In October, IBC is launching an enhanced version of our Find a Doctor tool that is available on our IBC website, There are many useful new features that will be available for the first time, including:
- Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH). Indicators will be added to applicable provider profile pages that identify practices recognized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) as a PCMH.
- Patient experience reviews for facilities. Member-submitted experience reviews for network facilities will now be displayed on the Find a Doctor tool. Previously, reviews were only available for professional providers.
Note: These reviews can only be submitted by members who log on through our secure member website. A comprehensive process is in place to moderate all submitted reviews for inappropriate content or language and to verify that the member had a visit with that provider. Non-members and providers can read the reviews but cannot write them. - Blue Physician Recognition. The Find a Doctor tool will display icons for network primary care offices that have earned an overall score (i.e., percentile rank in their specialty) in the Top 25th Percentile of the Quality Performance Measure (QPM) score program.
- Physician Quality Measures. The Find a Doctor tool will display scores, benchmarks, and ratings for up to 11 quality measures in six categories for network primary care offices. See sample screen shot below. Please note the following:
- Measure scores are calculated based on data from our HMO/POS population as reported in the QPM score program (for measurement year 2012), which is a component of the Quality Incentive Payment System (QIPS) program.
- The NCQA Quality Compass Middle Atlantic HMO/POS 50th Percentiles will serve as the regional benchmarks for each measure.
- Measure ratings on a scale of 1 to 3 blue ribbons will be assigned based on relative performance against the NCQA Quality Compass Middle Atlantic HMO/POS benchmarks:
- 1 blue ribbon = score < 25th percentile;
- 2 blue ribbons = score is ? 25th and < 75th percentiles;
- 3 blue ribbons = score is ? 75th percentile.
Look for more information about the enhanced Find a Doctor tool in the November 2013 edition of Partners in Health Update