As of November 1, 2013, IBC is in the process oftransitioning to a new claims processing platform,which will offer greater capabilities, increased flexibilityin benefit design, and enhanced functionalities for animproved overall customer experience.
As members are migrated to the new platform, theywill be issued a new member ID card with a new IDnumber and, in some cases, a new alpha prefix. Forthis reason, it is imperative that you obtain a copy ofthe member?s current ID card at every visit to ensurethat you submit the most up-to-date information toIBC. Please also verify eligibility and benefits using theNaviNet? web portal prior to rendering service.
ID cards for non-migrated members
Non-migrated members have a 10-digit member IDnumber to identify each member, and dependents havea unique suffix. We refer to this number as a ?uniquesubscriber ID? (USI).
See below for sample ID cardsfor non-migrated members:

New ID cards for migrated members
As IBC members are migrated to the new platform,they will be issued a new ID card. For these migratedmembers, IBC will assign a new 12-digit memberID number, called a ?unique member ID? (UMI).The subscriber and all members covered under thesubscriber?s policy will share the same ID number.
Note: Members with our Medicare Supplement plan? MedigapSecurity ? will be assigned a 13-digit IDnumber, with the last digit being an alpha character.
Some plans will also be assigned a new 3-characteralpha prefix, which will also appear as part of the IDnumber.
Each member ID card will include the member?s nameand subscriber UMI.
See below for sample ID cards for migrated members:

For more information
To assist you in successfully submitting claims for IBCmembers during this interim state, payer ID grids areavailable at www.ibx.com/edi. These payer ID gridsinclude alpha prefix information for both migratedand non-migrated members.
For more information about our BusinessTransformation, please visit our dedicated site atwww.ibx.com/pnc/businesstransformation. On this site,you will find a communication archive and FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQ) document. If you still havequestions after reviewing the FAQ, email us.
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