In December 2012 we launched our new Find a Doctor tool, which allows users to
conduct more efficient online searches for network doctors, specialists,
hospitals, and other health care professionals. In addition to this search
function, IBC members and plan members who carry an Independence Administrators
ID card now have access to other new features through our secure member
websites, or, including the ability to:
write reviews for their physicians in the IBC or Independence Administrators
estimate costs for facility and ancillary services to help determine their
member out-of-pocket costs.
These tools are designed to help members become better informed and more
empowered about their health care choices.
Member reviews of participating physicians
Members who log on through our secure member websites can now read and write
reviews about their experiences with IBC or Independence Administrators network
physicians from whom they have received care and indicate whether they would
recommend their physician.
In addition, members can rate their network physicians on a scale of one to
five stars in the following areas:
Experience: Overall care provided by the physician.
Communication: Willingness of physician to listen to their concerns.
Availability: Ease and timeliness of obtaining an appointment.
Environment: Friendliness of office staff.
A comprehensive process is in place to moderate all submitted reviews for
inappropriate content or language and to verify that the member had a visit
with the physician within the past six months. Non-members and providers can
read the reviews but cannot write them.
Estimating costs for certain services
Another new feature is the Cost Estimator tool, which allows members to view
estimated cost ranges for approximately 130 inpatient, outpatient, and
diagnostic procedures performed at our network hospitals, ambulatory surgical
centers, and other diagnostic facilities.* This information helps members to
understand how costs are calculated and can be used to determine their member
out-of-pocket costs.
Example: Colonoscopy with Removal of Lesions*
This example shows the estimated total costs for a colonoscopy with removal of
lesions. Cost ranges are calculated based on the average total allowable costs
for the episode of care for each category, which may include facility,
professional, diagnostic, and pre-admission testing costs. By clicking on the
blue circle next to ?Est. Cost,? members can view a list of what items are
factored into the given estimate. In this example, the cost ranges include
X-ray visualization, examination of the tissue sample, doctors? fees, and
drugs/supplies used during the outpatient procedure.
When reviewing cost information, we encourage members to take into
consideration publicly available hospital quality data, such as information
published on and other
information available through third-party data sources on
If you have any questions about these new features of the Find a Doctor tool,
please call
*Cost estimates are not a guarantee of payment amount.