We recently updated the QIPS Rosters option of the ePayment transaction on the NaviNet web portal to accommodate the Quality Incentive Payment System (QIPS) program expansion to include PPO members. Previously, only HMO QIPS Rosters were available. Now, you will be able to view individual QIPS Rosters for both your HMO and PPO patients.

The PPO QIPS Rosters are available twice a year. The first is in August to support the payments to providers who earned an incentive for PPO membership in the Quality Performance Measure score program. The second is in October to support the Cost and Care Efficiency metrics. The HMO QIPS Rosters will continue to show 13 months of historical reports. Eventually, the PPO QIPS Rosters will show the same.
An updated QIPS Roster Guide is available in the NaviNet Resources section. If you have any questions regarding this updated transaction, please contact the eBusiness Hotline at 215-640-7410.
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