Starting in 2013, IBC began to implement changes tothe NaviNet web portal that were intended to streamlineprocesses to make doing business with IBC moreefficient. Participating providers likely have noticed adifference in the look and functionality of the providerportal.
Recap of transaction changes
Some functions that saw significant changes in 2013include:
- referrals and authorizations
- eligibility and benefits
- encounters
- claims inquiry/investigation (formerly claims INFO)
- capitation and QIPS rosters
- BlueExchange® transactions
New transactions were also introduced in 2013,including:
- EOB and Remittance
- Network Provider/Facility Inquiry
More changes are scheduled for 2014, and we willcommunicate more about them in future editionsof Partners in Health Update as information becomesavailable.
Resources available to providers
Given the significant number of changes implemented,we have published more than a dozen detaileduser guides and instructional webinars to theNaviNet Transaction Changes section of ourBusiness Transformation site. We strongly encourage you toreview these resources to become familiar with new andupdated transactions.
The NaviNet Transaction Changes section also containsa communication archive of all information publishedabout recent NaviNet changes.If you have any questions regarding NaviNet transactionchanges, please call the eBusiness hotline at215-640-7410.
NaviNet® is a registered trademark of NaviNet, Inc., an independent company.