In the coming months we will be updating our interactive Provider Automated
System, available through 1-800-ASK-BLUE, to
make it easier for you to obtain the information you need quickly and
efficiently. In addition to speaking with a live customer service
representative during regular business hours, you now have the option to
"speak" with our automated service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through
enhanced voice-recognition capability.
Through the enhanced Provider Automated System, the following self-service
capabilities will be available:
Provider authorization inquiry. The following can be done for
authorization inquiries:
search for existing authorizations by date or reference number
search by single date or entire month
search 60 days in the past and 180 days in the future
Please note that authorizations may be retrieved only by the provider
associated with the authorization. Also, behavioral health inquiries should
continue to be directed to Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc.
Claims. Search member claims within two years from current date.
Member eligibility and benefits. The phone service continues to offer
this information.
Referral and encounter submissions. Submit referrals and encounters
using the member ID number located on the member ID card.
Referral inquiry. Search for existing referrals within 90 days from the
current date.
Please be sure to have your NPI, corporate ID number, and last four digits of
your tax ID number ready before you call to complete the listed transactions.
Look for more information about this change in future editions of Partners
in Health UpdateSM.