As a physician, your older adult patients look to you for guidance about their
health care. But even the most experienced medical practitioner can find it
challenging to inspire an unmotivated patient to exercise. Perhaps it?s just as
easy as telling them to take a walk! There are many benefits of walking, and
for your sedentary patients, anything is better than being a ?couch potato.?
If you?re having trouble motivating your older patients to adopt a regular
physical activity routine, try by informing
them that walking is the easiest and simplest activity
to do. In fact, the American Heart Association (AHA)
encourages walking, citing it as the most effective form
of exercise when it comes to achieving heart health. Your
older adult patients might be surprised to know that a
daily 30-minute stroll can actually improve their heart
health. Besides, what other physical activity is easier than
walking? There are no gym membership fees or start-up
costs, and according to the AHA, it has the lowest dropout
rate of any type of exercise.
For your older adult patients who need more convincing
to spend less time sitting and more time in an upright,
forward motion, share with them that walking also can
help improve their memory and improves circulation,
which creates better blood flow to the brain. Your older
adult patients will be glad to know that walking, a basic
function they learned as children, can benefit them well into their golden
SilverSneakers® can help
With all the benefits from a simple exercise as easy as walking, think of
how your patients will benefit from other physical activities. IBC Medicare
Advantage HMO and PPO members have access to the SilverSneakers Fitness Program
and can explore a number of options, including group exercise classes that
focus on improving balance, flexibility, endurance, range of movement, and
other vital functions. Whether taking a brisk walk in the park, a stroll around
the neighborhood, or timing a couple of miles on the treadmill at their local
SilverSneakers-participating location, the health of your older adult patients
will benefit from walking.
Note: SilverSneakers is offered to Keystone 65 HMO and Personal Choice
65SM PPO members at no cost. To enroll in the program, members can
simply bring their SilverSneakers ID card to any participating SilverSneakers
location. Members can visit the SilverSneakers
website or call 1-888-423-4632 for a
complete list of locations.
This is not a statement of benefits. Benefits may vary
based on Federal requirements, Benefits Program (HMO, PPO, etc.), and/or
employer groups. Providers should call Customer Service for the member?s
applicable benefits information. Members should be instructed to call the
Customer Service telephone number listed on their ID card.
SilverSneakers is a registered mark of Healthways, Inc.,
an independent company.