Earlier this year, IBC launched a significantly revampedmobile application ? called IBX App ? intended toempower both members and providers.
Featuring a vibrant new look, easier navigation, andnew mobile tools, the IBX App has been downloaded bythousands of members in 2013, enabling them tomanage their health care more effectively by providingaccess to health information on the go, 24 hours a day,7 days a week.
Redesigned online provider directory
Significant improvements have been made to the onlineprovider directory, which now includes national providers(i.e., BlueCard® PPO network), provider ratings, andexpanded search categories such as:
- doctors
- urgent care/retail clinics
- medical supplies/services
- Patient-Centered Medical Home
- hospitals/facilities
- diagnostic imaging
- pharmacies
This redesigned provider directory allows both membersand providers to quickly locate other providers, determinetheir participation status, and assess their demographicsand suitability for a particular member.
EOBs and the Tax Year Report
A helpful new feature for members is the ability to retrievecopies of their explanations of benefits (EOB), as well asan enhanced feature called Tax Year Report. This toolcontains all of the member?s claims for a year ? whichmembers can use when preparing tax returns. Both theEOB and the Tax Year Report can be downloaded asPDFs and saved for future reference.
Improved Medicine Cabinet.
To help members adhere to their medication schedules,a new Medicine Cabinet feature lets the member createa convenient medication schedule and set reminders.Drug information ? such as warning labels, side effects,and harmful drug interactions ? are further benefits ofthis tool.
In addition, members can identify pills by imprint,color, shape, and partial name and review medicationcosts based on the number of pills, pharmacy, and themember?s benefit plan.For additional information about the IBX App, please referto the article in the May 2013 edition of Partners in HealthUpdate.
Encourage IBC patients to downloadthe IBX App
We hope you will recommend this app to yourIBC patients, especially those who may needassistance in taking notes on conditions ormanaging their prescriptions. The IBX App workswith both iPhone and Android-powered devices.To download the IBX App, members should goto www.ibx.com/mobile or search for "IBX" in theApple or Android store.
Note: To access this mobile app, members mustread and accept the IBC and third-party vendors'respective Privacy Policy/Terms and Conditionsof Access.