Attention! This is an updated version of a previous communication, NaviNet® tips ? Part 1: General Claim Inquiry.
When using the Claim Investigation Submission transaction on the NaviNet web portal, please be specific when describing the reason for the claim review. Note: You must first perform a Claim Status Inquiry to locate the claim. A detailed user guide is available in the NaviNet Resources section.
Follow the guidelines below to ensure that claim investigations are responded to promptly.
Submission preparation
Prior to submitting a general claim review request, take the following steps:
- Using the Claim Investigation Inquiry transaction, confirm that there is not an existing investigation for the same claim.
- Verify the line of business (LOB) for the member?s benefit plan, the member?s coverage effective date compared to date of service, and the member?s eligibility for the service(s) performed.
- Review your Independence Agreement effective date and expected reimbursement.
- Verify the status of the authorization, if applicable (i.e., pending vs. approved, dates of service, and service(s) performed).
- Confirm the diagnosis code was billed to the highest specificity.
Inquiry submission
Claim investigation submissions should be specific. Include the following information, where applicable:
- the procedure code in question;
- the claim line in question;
- whether you suspect an overpayment, underpayment, or incorrect denial;
- detail on how you calculated payment to determine if it is an overpayment/underpayment or specific medical or claim payment policy to support amended claim payment for denied service(s);
- expected reimbursement rate;
- provisions in your Agreement that could/would affect reimbursement;
- an authorization or referral number, as applicable.
Our user guide will be updated to reflect these guidelines.
Look for additional articles outlining best practices when using certain transactions on NaviNet.
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