Along with the Baby FootSteps[
®] program, AmeriHealth members
receive exclusive discounts and convenient payment plans on the collection and
storage of cord blood through the Saving Baby?s Cord Blood[
program from CorCell[
On top of the $400 discount AmeriHealth members already receive, CorCell is
offering a special Labor Day discount. If members enroll in the program from
August 26 to September 6, 2013, they can save an additional $200 on the
enrollment fee, and another $50 for signing up in the first week of the
discount period. Members can enroll at [
][] or by calling CorCell at [
A brochure about the CorCell program is available to distribute to AmeriHealth
members or place in their chart to educate them on cord blood banking. To order
brochures, please submit an [
]online request[] or
call the Provider Supply Line at [