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Prescribing medications for the treatment of opioid addiction

November 28, 2018

AmeriHealth remains committed to fighting the opioid epidemic in our region. As part of our efforts, we support the use of medication-assisted therapy (MAT) for our members who are battling addiction. MAT is primarily used for the treatment of addiction to opioids such as heroin and prescription pain relievers. It combines the use of medication with counseling and behavioral health therapies. Medications like Suboxone® are prescribed to normalize brain chemistry, block the euphoric effects of alcohol and opioids, relieve physiological cravings, and normalize body functions without the negative effects of the abused drug.1

Providers must have or obtain a waiver in order to provide MAT services to AmeriHealth members. Below are steps to obtain a waiver and be identified in the Find a Doctor tools for AmeriHealth New Jersey or AmeriHealth Pennsylvania.

Free training available to become a MAT provider

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) requires that providers obtain a waiver to prescribe medications associated with MAT, like Suboxone®. The Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS) offers free training to receive a waiver from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Providers can register for a “Half and Half MAT Webinar Waiver” training. This eight-hour training consists of a large group webinar and self-guided learning. Note: The self-guided learning cannot be started until the group webinar has ended.

After a provider completes training, he or she must submit a Notification of Intent Waiver Application online to apply for a waiver. SAMHSA will review the waiver application within 45 days and send an email confirming the waiver and prescribing identification number.

Providers interested in scheduling MAT waiver training can do so at the PCSS website.

Note: Physician Assistants and Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners who are credentialed with AmeriHealth are also able to apply for a waiver. However, they are required to complete 24 hours of training.

Identifying MAT providers online

Beginning in February 2019, the Find a Doctor tools for AmeriHealth New Jersey and AmeriHealth Pennsylvania will be updated. Providers must meet the following criteria to be recognized as offering MAT services:

  • possess a SAMHSA waiver;
  • be an AmeriHealth-participating primary care physician (PCP), specialist, certified registered nurse practitioner, or physician assistant.

Providers who meet this criteria and would like to be recognized in the Find a Doctor tool should complete the MAT provider recognition request form for AmeriHealth New Jersey or AmeriHealth Pennsylvania and send it along with a copy of the SAMHSA waiver to ahMATprovider@ameihealth.com with the subject line “<Your name> - MAT certification.”

Note: If you practice in multiple locations, you must submit a recognition request form for each location where you would like to provide MAT services.

Once we have received your information, a confirmation email will be sent. It will take 30 days for your request to be processed before you appear in search results in the Find a Doctor tool for AmeriHealth New Jersey or AmeriHealth Pennsylvania as a MAT provider.

Providers who have a SAMHSA waiver but who do not wish to be identified as a MAT provider in the Find a Doctor tool for AmeriHealth New Jersey or AmeriHealth Pennsylvania, should still complete a MAT provider recognition request form and send it to the above email address for our records.

Providers who do not currently have a SAMHSA waiver, but who meet the criteria outlined above and would like to be recognized as a MAT provider, may complete the required training at any time and apply for the SAMHSA waiver. Once received, follow the steps above.  

Learn more

Additional information regarding the display of MAT providers in the Find a Doctor tool for AmeriHealth New Jersey or AmeriHealth Pennsylvania will be communicated in a future Partners in Health UpdateSM article.

Additional resources on opioids can be found in the Opioid Awareness section.

If you have any questions, please contact your AmeriHealth Network Medical Director.

1Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Medication and Counseling Treatment.” 2018. Available from: www.samhsa.gov/medication-assisted-treatment/treatment#medications-used-in-mat.

This content was prepared for the Provider News Center and may not be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of AmeriHealth, AmeriHealth HMO, Inc., AmeriHealth Insurance Company of New Jersey.
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