AmeriHealth has made the prevention and treatment of opioid abuse a priority. In February 2018, AmeriHealth
announced that effective March 1, 2018, for fully insured commercial members, and effective April 1, 2018, for self-funded customers who chose to participate, cost-sharing (i.e., copayment, deductible, and coinsurance) was removed for injectable and nasal spray formulations of naloxone and Narcan®, a brand of naloxone.* In October 2018, a decision was made to extend the initiative through 2019.
For 2020, AmeriHealth will continue to offer the brand Narcan and generic naloxone at no cost-share, after deductibles are met. Since the implementation of the cost-share removal, AmeriHealth has seen an almost 100 percent increase in member usage, and thus has decided to extend the initiative through December 31, 2020.
The cost-sharing change applies only to members who are making a purchase for themselves or for someone who has coverage through AmeriHealth.
Note: This does
not apply to Evizo®, a naloxone auto-injection system.
Education: Tools and resources for providers and members
To help combat the opioid crisis, many states, including
Pennsylvania, have implemented standing orders to allow patients access to Narcan and naloxone without a prescription.
AmeriHealth supports this initiative and offers informative tools and resources available for providers and members as part of our ongoing commitment to opioid abuse prevention and treatment.
- An Opioid Awareness section is available on the home page of our Provider News Center that provides links to tools and resources to help providers manage patients who are prescribed opioid medications.
- Members can find resources, including information from the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, on the AmeriHealth member resources page.
If you have any questions, contact Customer Service at
*AmeriHealth offers the brand Narcan and generic naloxone at no cost-share, after deductibles are met.