AmeriHealth offers two preferred options for participating providers to
request fulfillment of specialty pharmacy drugs for patients with an
AmeriHealth prescription drug benefit: BriovaRxTM and
PerformSpecialty®. BriovaRx and PerformSpecialty supply
specialty drugs eligible under the AmeriHealth member's prescription drug
benefit, which is administered by FutureScripts®.
Providers who are considering beginning an AmeriHealth member on a new
specialty drug therapy covered under the pharmacy benefit can use the following
- BriovaRx. Providers can call BriovaRx at 1-855-4BRIOVA (
1-855-427-4682) to enroll the member. Members can reach BriovaRx to have
a prescription filled by calling 1-855-4BRIOVA (1-855-427-4682)
or by visiting the BriovaRx
- PerformSpecialty. Providers can call the PerformSpecialty Patient
Care Line at 1-855-287-7888 to enroll the member. Members can reach
PerformSpecialty to have a prescription filled by calling their Patient Care
Line at 1-855-287-7888 or by visiting the PerformSpecialty
If you have any questions regarding BriovaRx or PerformSpecialty, please
contact Customer Service at
1-888-YOUR-AH1 (
1-888-968-7241) for AmeriHealth New Jersey or
1-800-275-2583 for AmeriHealth Pennsylvania.