AmeriHealth Insurance Company of New Jersey is updating its Medicare Advantage policy on Tracheostomy Care Supplies, effective May 6, 2024.
In accordance with Medicare, the timelines for refill requirements were revised and Coverage for NOC (not otherwise classified) code S8189 changed from Medically Necessary to Not Covered.
The following billing requirement has been added to the policy:
- An AU modifier must be used when codes A4450, A4452, and A5120 are billed with tracheostomy care supplies.
For more information, please refer to the MA05.034a: Tracheostomy Care Supplies policy in Notification. Note: This notification and the included link will expire and become unusable on May 6, 2024.
Navigating expired policy links
As policy updates release over time, outdated policies and their associated links expire. You can view the latest version of this, or any specific policy, by navigating to the Medical and Claim Payment Policy Portal.
Use the search box at the top of the page to filter for Commercial or Medicare Advantage policies, then search for the associated policy number, title, or key word (in this example: MA05.034, Tracheostomy Care Supplies, Tracheostomy, etc.).