AmeriHealth Insurance Company of New Jersey (AmeriHealth) has announced its 2024 Medicare Advantage plans, which feature must-have benefits and an extensive care network to fit all your patients' (our members') needs. Members signing up for an AmeriHealth Medicare Advantage plan will have broad access to care, with a provider network spanning 21 New Jersey counties, five Pennsylvania counties, and 44,000 providers and 75 hospitals.
AmeriHealth is ready to help those on Medicare sign up for plans during this year's Annual Enrollment Period, which takes place October 15 through December 7. For 2024, we are offering four no-referral PPO plans to members living in seven counties (Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Mercer, Middlesex, and Ocean).
New plans for 2024
We are offering four plan options:
- AmeriHealth Medicare Secure PPO
- AmeriHealth Medicare Ultimate PPO
- AmeriHealth Medicare Enhanced PPO
- AmeriHealth Medicare Core PPO
Plan features include:
Prescription coverage on all plans
Dental, vision, and hearing coverage on all plans
Zero-dollar premiums on most plans
Transportation and meals on some plans
Routine podiatry, chiropractor services, and acupuncture on all plans
Part B premium giveback on some plans
Individuals who want to enroll in an AmeriHealth Medicare Advantage plan can call 1-866-406-3882 or visit
Confirm your participation
A Medicare Advantage Addendum was recently sent to providers outlining the benefit program requirements. Unless you inform us that you disagree with these materials, you will be considered participating for these new plans. You can also use the online Provider Finder to confirm you are listed as a participating provider. Please note that the AmeriHealth Medicare PPO network applies to all four AmeriHealth Medicare Advantage plans.
New policies coming soon
Notifications for new AmeriHealth Medicare Advantage medical and claim payment policies will be available December 1, 2023, with an effective date of January 1, 2024.
Process reminders
Keep in mind the following for members who enroll in one of these new plans effective January 1, 2024:
Additional information will be provided as we approach 2024.