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PEAR Portal

Using a single sign on, the Provider Engagement, ​​​Analytics & Reporting (PEAR) portal con​nec​ts ​participating providers* to multiple digital tools to help them provide quality care to their patients.Learn how the PEAR portal can benefit your organization.​​

<p style='font-weight:bold;color:#202020;font-size:14px;'>What are the types of PEAR portal users and their roles?</p>

There are four key roles associated with the PEAR portal:


  • An Organization Signatory is the officer or owner of the practice or provider organization who makes the PEAR portal access request on behalf of the organization at the Tax ID level.

  • An Organization Administrator is one of a maximum of two people at the provider organization who has unrestricted access to all licensed materials and license data including value-based arrangements deliver​ed through the PEAR portal for your organization. Organization Administrators are responsible for provisioning access to the PEAR portal and its applications to End Users within the provider organization. Organization Administrators may create unlimited Location Administrators to manage PEAR portal access for one or multiple provider locations.

  • Location Administrators are portal users that manage PEAR portal access at one or more provider locations. Location Administrators can add, remove, or manage End User access for their designated location(s). Only the Organization Administrators can create Location Administrators. There can be unlimited Location Administrators. 

    Together, both Organization and Location Administrators can create unlimited End Users. PEAR portal administrators are responsible for ongoing maintenance of PEAR portal access as required.

  • Portal End Users are those in the practice or facility that are granted access to specific PEAR portal applications and roles as defined by the Organization Administrator or Location Administrator. This can be multiple people within a practice or facility. For application-specific End User roles, see below.​

The Provider Administration Tool (PAT) is used by Organization Administrators and Location Administrators to provision End Users with access to the PEAR portal and its applications, including designating roles within the PEAR portal.
Roles Page.png

User Roles by Application

PEAR Comprehensive Visit

There are two PEAR CV user roles:

  • Support Staff (non-credentialed providers):
    • Filter and print eligible patient rosters to support patient scheduling
    • Prepare and print the Pre-visit CV form or Point of Care CV form to enhance the patient encounter
    • Enter the patient encounter details in CV forms, preparing form for the Credentialed Provider's attestation
    • Print SOAP note (from the Completed CV form) for patient's medical record
  • Credentialed Provider* (health plan participating credentialed provider):
    • Perform all administrative tasks
    • Attest forms for patients they have seen, which creates a SOAP note
    • Amend and/or void completed PEAR CV form

*Entering the provider's individual NPI when provisioning for PEAR CV is required to grant them the ability to attest CV forms. 

PEAR Analytics & Reporting

There are three PEAR AR user roles:

  • Clinical: Access to the Population Health dashboard, Population Health reports, and Attributed Member Snapshot for Primary Care Physicians (PCPs).
  • Financial: Access to the Financial dashboard and any financial or incentive program reports published through PEAR AR.
  • Specialist: Has access to reports and dashboards designed for offices and groups with specialties other than Family Practice, Internal Medicine, and PCPs.

See more on PEAR portal End-User management key definitions and best practices here​.
<p style='font-weight:bold;color:#202020;font-size:14px;'>How do I know who my Organization Administrator is?</p>

​To find out who your org​​anization’s designated Organization Administrator is, consult with your management team.
<p style='font-weight:bold;color:#202020;font-size:14px;'>How do I change an Organization Administrator?</p>

If you need t​o change your Organization Administrator at any point, you can do so by submitting a request via the PEAR Portal Inquiry form​.​​
<p style='font-weight:bold;color:#202020;font-size:14px;'>What are the roles for third-party organizations?</p>
​Third-party organization users may have o​​ne of the following roles assigned in the PEAR portal:

Organization Administrator​​

An Organization Administrator of a third-party vendor/subcontractor for a provider organization (e.g., billing company and clearinghouse) who may have limited access to the licensed materials and license data delivered through the PEAR portal for the provider organization(s). This ac​cess will be limited in comparison to that of a provider Organization Administrator. The Organization Administrator is responsible for provisioning access to the PEAR portal and its applications to End Users within the third-party organization. This includes provisioning access to the Location Administrators. The Organization Administrator can add, disable, terminate, or edit End-User access for all locations across the third-party organization.

Organization Administrators should visit the PEAR Help Center and log in to review the PAT training for Third Party Organization Administrators user guide for more on their role.

Location Administrator

A portal user that manages PEAR portal access at one or more provider locations. The Location Administrator can add, disable, terminate, or edit End-User access for his/her designated location(s). Only the Organization Administrators can identify Location Administrators. The Location Administrator is an optional role, and there can be unlimited Location Administrators.

End User

​Someone in the organization that is granted access to specific PEAR portal applications and roles by either the third-party Organization Administrator or Location Administrator. There is no limit to the number of End Users that can be created.​​


PEAR Watermark.png ​*Only participating providers in an AmeriHealth network can obtain access to the PEAR portal.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
