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​​​Quartet is expanding behavioral services for patients

December 20, 2021

​Beginning January 1, 2022, Quartet Health, Inc. (Quartet), an independent health care technology and services company, is expanding its services to the region:

  • Quartet will be offering increased referrals for patients with substance use disorders (SUD)
  • Younger patients ages 16-17 (considered transitional age youth, or TAY) are now eligible for referrals to all behavioral health services offered by Quartet.​​​​

Note: All the processes that you currently follow to accept, decline, schedule, and update referrals with Quartet will remain the same.

Referrals are often most successful if you have discussed them with your patients, and if they are motivated to engage in treatment.

SUD patients

To ensure that Quartet can efficiently match patients to care, please include the following information (if known) in your referrals for outpatient SUD treatment:

  • substances used, including amount, frequency, and last date of use;
  • risk of withdrawal or need for drug taper;
  • patient's current medications;
  • type of care being referred for (therapy, medication management, MAT, or combination);
  • any people or providers assisting in coordinating patient's care;
  • any information regarding the patient's motivation or readiness for care.

Patients must be at least 16 years of age to be referred. We know how difficult it is to find the right behavioral health care. This is particularly true for patients seeking treatment for SUD. Quartet's goal is to quickly connect patients to high-quality care.

TAY patients

You can refer TAY patients as young as age 16 for behavioral health services. Please include the following information (if known) in your referrals:

  • patient's presenting problem and relevant diagnoses;
  • type of care being referred for (therapy, medication management, or both);
  • patient's current medications;
  • any family members or HIPAA-approved contacts helping to coordinate the patient's care;
  • any information regarding the patient's readiness and motivation for care.

Patients requiring care for the following conditions should be referred for specialized treatment and not to Quartet:

  • autism spectrum disorders in need of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA);
  • intellectual or developmental disabilities;
  • acute eating disorders requiring medically supported treatment.

Emergency care service

Please note that Quartet is not an emergency care service, and patients should not be referred if they require crisis, acute care services, or immediate care. Quartet also does not accept referrals for patients in need of Intensive Outpatient (IOP) or Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP).

Privacy practices

The beginning of the year is a great time to review your privacy practices. Please ensure that you have the appropriate Releases of Information (ROI), consents, and authorizations in place with patients, particularly for SUD patients (if applicable).

Learn more

Quartet is reaching out directly to mental health care and referring providers to update them on these referral services. If you have questions, please email Quartet at support@quartethealth.com.​​​

This content was prepared for the Provider News Center and may not be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of AmeriHealth, AmeriHealth HMO, Inc., AmeriHealth Insurance Company of New Jersey.
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