The Baby FootSteps program supports expectant mothers and promotes a healthy pregnancy throughout each trimester. We ask that you inform pregnant AmeriHealth members about the Baby FootSteps program at their first prenatal visit and encourage them to self-enroll by calling our toll-free number, 1-800-598-BABY (1-800-598-2229) (TTY: 711).
Among the many benefits to enrolling in this program, are members who are found to have certain health issues or history that may place them at high risk are referred to a Registered Nurse Health Coach who is specially trained in maternity care for additional assessment and follow-up. If the assessment identifies the member as high-risk, they may be followed in our High-Risk Pregnancy Condition Management Program.
If you have any questions about the program, please call Customer Service at 1-888-YOUR-AH1 (1-888-968-7241) for AmeriHealth New Jersey or at 1-800-275-2583 for AmeriHealth Pennsylvania.